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QAnon another Alphabet Agency Pysop, COINTEL Pro, or Something Else Entirely

Q Eye

We here at the TADP know it has been far too long since our last post. We've had some scares here at the TADP both health wise and financially. These kind of excuses do not make up for our overly long abscence but hope that you our readers can understand, forgive, and read on. During our down time we've come into possession of some truly explosive information most of which has been verified not only by Mister X but also by our panel of insiders. What follows is the first of five articles which we think are thought disturbing, thought provoking, and critical to our audience. Moving from this overly long introduction we welcome you to the first of our new five part series dedicated to Q, the Russia Investigation, the Presidency, and most importantly the UFO question.

Lately we have seen increasing coverage by the "mainstream" media of the relatively recent online phenomenon that goes by QAnon. For those who don't know QAnon has been busy on sites like 4Chan, Reddit, etc posting the "truth" about the Trump administration, and specifically how the President is battling the dark forces of the world, in particular the "Deep State". The extreme popularity of Q cannot be understated and should not be underestimated, especially by our esteemed readers. Online posters to popular UFO and conspiracy related sites like, Reddit Conspiracy, ATA, and similar places are increasingly placing their hopes of Disclosure with Q. However, in spite of the unique postings and cryptically spectacular nature of the posts trust in this new "source" might be misplaced.

Our sources, Mister X in particular, indicate Q may not be who people think. Yes all sorts of identities have been given to Q from the President himself, Steve Bannon, Steve Miller, but perhaps Q is not one person nor a group of people at all. Instead it appears Q is an advanced AI which was created out of research derived from the ECHELON project and made possible by recent advances in Quantam computing that the "black" world is relativley comfortable having "publically" facing. The Q AI is able via projects like ECHELON and its progeny to simultaneously monitor all electronic communication. In doing so it is able to pickup on trends regarding conspiracies and a variety of other targeted matters which it uses to create elaborate narratives which entertain, confound, and which ultimately hide lies in seeming truths. The Q AI monitors all forms of dissemination and discussion of its most recent postings and using advanced analystics predicts which stories and bylines will have the most impact going forward. Knowing this the AI then continues planting false leads that ultimately at best wasting researchers time and at worst dividing the populace.

A divided and confused populace, which is constantly titilated and entertained is by its very nature easily controlled. Meanwhile many researchers are taken in and when they've been led along the path far enough end up publishing conclusions that are easily disproved and thereby ruining any and all credibility the public many have in them. There are many eamples of Q's success in this regard, one only need use their smartphone or tablet to see the impact of the deception. Here the author would like to note that in all likelyhood your "smart" devices are one part of Q's monitoring and feedback apparatus. We will detail this feed back loop in one of our upcoming stories.

As to Q's true motivations or if Q is still under the control of its human creators we are not certain. For now though we can confirm Q is not human and likely cannot be trusted. Stay tuned and check back often part two is due out soon.

Mimi Wedgewood
M.A. Journalism
M.P.P. Govermental Relations
Former ONI Press Liason
Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Planet X or Nibiru Found?

Planet Nibiru

Has the fabled Planet X, sometimes referred to as Niburu, been found? A fresh new scientific paper seems to point yes.

While the researchers make no claim that this mysterious "ninth" planet is Planet X they do claim to have observed evidence that this distant wanderer is likely somewhere between the size of Earth and Neptune and could have an orbital period of 10,000 to 20,000 years. This would put the planet at a distance of anywhere between 20 - 100 billion miles away from the Sun.

Clearly there is something massive out beyond the Kupier Belt and Pluto that is exerting a form of gravitational effect on the outer planets and micro planets. As this story develops we will let you know more. What is most interesting is how we are gradually seeing the scientific confirmation of long-held beliefs and theories. The days of the closed minded skeptics finger wagging appear to be one day closer to the end.

Arnold Brenner
Ph.D. Theoretical Physics
M.S. Astrophysics
Former Dir Orion Labs
Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

BEKs (Black Eyed Kids) Hybrid Children of the Men in Black?


Just who are the BEKs? Some claim they are figments of overly active imaginations, others claim they are demons taking the form of children, and still others claim these are interdimensional beings. New evidence indicates these assumptions are nothing more than strategically placed disinformation.

Authors like Whitley Streiber and David Weatherly while providing good background information and stories on the subject, have unfortunately and unknowingly become pawns in a disinformation campaign. BEKs are typically young around 10-15, dressed plainly but not fashionably, appear uncomfortable and un-used to human interaction, come knocking late at night usually in pairs, demand to be let in, confused by everyday items and basic phraseology. They have dark empty eyes and appear to have an almost hypnotic quality, according to witnesses. To date no one has come forward with stories of having let them in their dwelling, however, people may be out there.

Let me be clear the stories provided by Weatherly are good and he makes a point to rule out obvious fabrications, however, his theory of just who the BEKs are has been carefully influenced by none other than the ONI. The same ONI who influenced Bram Stoker with his misinformation diatribe we know now as Dracula . In short, Weatherly has been misled and the stories he reports only confuse the public and discredit the topic.

The ONI knows exactly who the BEKs are; they are the offspring of a hybridization program between humans, reptilians, and the MiB. Out of Dulce, NM and with help of human co-conspirators the reptilians have been working to create human MiB hybrids. The goal is to create an information gathering and enforcing being, who can be used to control UFO witnesses without the issues caused by the current generation of MiBs. Imagine the terror that can be created by soulless automatons. Better yet try not to. It has been going on since the late 1980s and continues today.

Check back in next month for our update from a new anonymous source who claims not only to have encountered the BEKs, but who claims to have irrefutable proof of their links to the MiB.

Octavio Hernandez
Ph.D. Semiotics
Xenoliguist and EBE Philologist
Former Linguist Project Mercury
Board Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Men in Black: UFO Silencers, Harbingers of Doom, or Protectors of Humanity?


The Men in Black phenomenon as known in the United States has been well recorded since at least the early 1950s. Some researchers even posit that stories of men dressed in black can be traced throughout most of recorded history and cite examples of celtic tricksters and other similar ilk. Debunkers claim that these entities are simply the product of the culutural imagination of the humanity. Can this be true? Are the Men in Black some form of cultural mass hysteria cropping up throughout human history?

The short answer is NO, and nothing could be further from the truth. Men in Black as they are understood today are an entirely different phenomenon from the historical trickster men cited by debunkers and skeptics. The Men in Black as experienced and witnessed by "Mrs. Butler" of Owatanna, MN, Robert Richardson, Dr. Herbert Hopkins, and numerous others are not the tricksters of folklore and history. Instead they are a mystery all their own, one deserving of serious study. In short the MiB are the intimidation and silencing arm of an organization or organizations whose goal is to cover up and hide the existence of UFOs from the general public. The goal of MiBs is to scare witnesses of UFOs and related unexplained phenomena into silence. They accomplish this goal through a mix of erratic behavior, almost supernatural poweres, and cryptic threats. In understanding their motive we can begin to better understand the mysterious Men in Black.

Knowing their motive of silence and intimidation just who are the MiB and what defines them? Witness descriptions tend to vary between two archetypes. The first is the short, dark haired, olive skinned, male. He is often dressed in a black or dark suit. The suit often appears impecable but out of style by many years or even decades. The second is often described as being tall, havin the appearance of wearing makeup ususally lipstick, moves in a mechanical way, and talks in a slow jarring manner. These two archetypes are often reported together and typcially are spotted in black luxury sedans that are 20 to 30 years old but which appear brand new. Witnesses state that both types are often fasicnated or confused by everyday objects, food, and collequailisms. For more on this see the link above.

The manner of each type has been described as brusque and erratic. The MiB often possess a knowledge of the UFO witnesses and their ecounter known only by close friends and family members, in other words these men appear all knowing. They tend to ask very specific questions about UFO encounters as well. Encounters with these individuals vary from as little as 10 minutes to two hours or more. These interregations always end with a warning to stop speaking about the sighting or encoutner and a threat of future harm should an individual continue talking about or researching their encounter. Most witnesses are left shaken, confused, and scared.

At this time we cannot continue this story due to safety concerns for Ms. Wedgewood. We at the The Alpha Draconis Project ® apologize for the inconvenience. When we can print more we will.

Roger Wright
Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering
USO and UFO Expert
Former Regan Era Star Wars Program Analyst
Co-Founder, The Alpha Draconis Project



This is a breaking story. An number of aging Air Force personnel have come forward alleging that a UFO chase and eventual shootdown occurred over skies Arizona, Utah, and Nevada in late 1952. Specifics remain murky, but our sources claim that sometime in the later part of November 1952 the U.S. Air Force scrambled a number of interceptors to check out a contact that suddenly appeared on radar over Luke AFB. Luke quickly scrambled two pairs of P-80s to identify the contact.

They reported back that the contact was a large shiny cigar shaped object. It appeared to be 100 feet long by 15 feet wide and to be cruising along at 250 knots at an altitude of 20,000 feet. The 4 pilots reported this back to tower at Luke and were given instructions to make contact with the object. When the P-80s began to hail the object it put itself into a steep climb and accelerated to an estimated 700 knots and began to streak away from the P-80s. The flight lead radioed into the tower reporting the update, and according to our sources, was ordered to engage and bring the object down. The P-80s could not keep up and they broke off their engagement stating the object was headed north towards Utah.

Luke base command reported the incident and informed Hill AFB which put them on alert. Hill quickly responded by sending up a squadron of faster F-86 Sabres to intercept the object and bring it down. According to our sources the squadron split into three attack groups. The first two Sabre's were unable to make contact despite the fact that radar at Hill was tracking the object. The lead attack group caught a glimpse of something shiny off to their 12 O’clock' and began to pursue the object. According to flight lead the object was now flying at 18,000 feet and had slowed down from 700 knots to about 350. They began their intercept and just about had the object in guns range, but just like the pilots from Luke, Hill's were quickly outclassed. The cigar shaped craft made a 90 degree turn and increased its speed to an astonishing 1000 knots. Upon executing this maneuver the craft emitted a large plume of something that appeared to be smoke. Its last known vector was taking it to the southwest towards Nevada. Hill's pilots returned to base and the commanders of Hill and Luke made an urgent call to Nellis AFB. They informed Nellis of the object and its abilities.

According to our sources Nellis was not going to make the same mistakes as Luke and Hill. Rather than scramble fighters to intercept the aircraft, Nellis, powered up its long range radars and its batteries of Nike Ajax surface to air missiles. The cigar shaped craft became visible on Nellis radar about an hour after it had last been seen by the Hill AFB pilots. Once again the craft was moving very slowly and was flying at a low altitude, estimated to be about 16,000 feet. As the craft approached Nellis, it continued to slow down and appeared to be scanning the Nellis. Nellis base command took this opportunity and fired a barrage of 20 Ajax missiles at the target. Shockingly the object was somehow destroyed or disabled by about half the missiles. Nevertheless, a few milles snuck through and appeared to impact the craft. The cigar shaped craft began to quickly loose altitude and eventually crashed about 10 miles north of Nellis.

A recovery team was sent out to the site to recover the wreckage and any bodies. What they found remains unknown. What also remains a mystery is how the Ajax missiles were able to intercept and bring down the craft. One theory is that the high powered radars at Nellis along with thunderstorms in the area might have interfered with the crafts navigation or propulsion systems. Our sources postulate that the whole incident was quickly classified, compartmentalized, and given the code name "Thunderclap". Witnesses and those involved were told to forget the whole thing and threatend with dishonrable discharges and fines and prison terms should they ever talk. Being near death, our witnesses, stated it was time for the public to know the truth. They went further and stated that now is the time for the government's of the world to come "clean" and provide "disclorsure" of UFOs and the alien presence hear on earth.

Hopefully, more evidence will emerge, and more witnesses will come forward to shed insight on the incident. As always be sure to check back often for updates.

Arnold Brenner
Ph.D. Theoretical Physics
M.S. Astrophysics
Former Dir Orion Labs
Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Tau Cetians Friend or Foe?

 Tau Ceti

In a shocking revelation Mr. X acknowledges that Tau Cetians should not, on any account, be trusted. Subject 3 & 5 are clear examples of the devious and scheming nature of the Cetians. The abductions and subsequent escape of these space criminals should be enough to persuade anyone of the dark and dangerous nature of this species.

Mr. X goes on to state that the Cetians are involved in a "dark conspiracy" involving humans and are "actively out to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate the truth". Mr. X was only able to divulge a miminmal amount of information about this "dark conspiracy". On September 23, 2013 he stated "the Cetians are out to study humans aggresive nature" because "of our continuing weapons developments and our ongoing wars". Intitially this "research" was thought to be benign but Mr. X assures us that the Cetians are not studying us for "peaceful or benign purposes". Instead we are being studied because "humans are uniquely suited to combat" and that "the Cetians are most likely studying us in order to forcefully conscript humans to use as genetically modified soldiers".

Apparently humans are unique in the universe when it comes to our thought process, skeletal muscular structure, and our "undying fighting spirit". These traits make us unqiuely suited to future Cetian plans.

This story is still breaking. Check back later for continued updates!

Octavio Hernandez
Ph.D. Semiotics
Xenoliguist and EBE Philologist
Former Linguist Project Mercury
Board Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos: Alien Operative, Saboteur, and Master of Disinformation?


Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, well known ancient astronaut theorist and long time creator and guest of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens has been found out to be working as an alien deep cover operative spreading misinformation about their presence on Earth. Financial documents have recently been uncovered which link Tsoukalos to the payrolls of Oribtron Inc., a well known shell company for Majestic 12.

What makes this story truly interesting is that, Tsoukalos apparently has no idea of Orbitron’s past history or of his role in their dark agenda. He has no idea that Orbitron and its partners are the current leaders in mind control technology. Orbitron is using this very technology to influence Tsoukalos and to encourage him to spread misinformation about the alien presence on Earth.

How Orbitron is doing this can only be described as pure genius, although, it is standard fare in the intelligence world. They are hiding in plain sight. Oribitron and Majestic 12 have Tsoukalos reveal seemingly wild theories and facts relating to ancient aliens, which when combined with his epic hairstyle and seeming inability to say “extraterrestrials” make him appear as yet another tinfoil hat nut job.

However, nothing could be further from the truth. The theories posited by Tsoukalos and others like him are more or less spot on. The simple truth is aliens have been here in the past, are here now, and are influening the evolution of mankind. The misinformation and disinformation come with Giorgio's theories about the Anunnaki , and specifically his theories positing aliens visited Earth to enslave ancient man for the purpose of mining gold.

While Orbitron's and by extension, Majestic 12's real motive(s) remain a mystery, one thing is abundantly clear, Tsoukalos, is unaware of his part in the larger alien mind control agenda and disinformation campaign. At best he is a noble researcher doing his best to spread the truth as he knows it, and at worst he is just another puppet of those that are truly in charge.

Mimi Wedgewood
M.A. Journalism
M.P.P. Govermental Relations
Former ONI Press Liason
Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

The Nazca Lines: Alien Art on Earth?


The Nazca lines have fascinated people since their discovery. After being flown over by Paul Kosok in 1940, interest in the lines by the public spiked in the years that followed.

Traditional archaeologists and historians would have the public believe that these lines were created by the Nazca culture sometime between 400 and 650 AD simply for undetermined ritual or religious purposes. This is the standard line used in both fields when something cannot be easily explained away. This theory fails to take into account the vast size of the figures; some are 660 ft across, and the fact that the lines only truly take shape when viewed from above. What's more the figures cover nearly 190 square miles (500 Square kilometers).

This begs the question, why create artwork that only takes shape when viewed from the sky? There are no mountains, plateaus, temples, or other high places to view these images from. If the figures can only be appreciated from the sky then who were they created for? Surely they were not created for the benefit of the local populace. Perhaps they were created for or commissioned by visitors from space? This may seem far-fetched, but when these images were analyzed with computers by Phyllis Pitluga and cross-referenced with star charts it was found they matched up with major constellations. Specifically Pitluga found that the giant spider figure is an anamorphic diagram of the constellation Orion. Modern studies suggest there might be habitable planets within the Orion Nebula .

It seems likely then, that the Nazca were not only visited by EBEs, but that these visitors commissioned the Nazca to create artwork and maps to note the location of their home world. Other figures might denote major colonies or other areas of the galaxy inhabited by the EBEs. Once traditional historians and archeologists expand their view perhaps we can come to more definitive conclusions.

For now it is safe to say Nazca needs to be studied by experts with open minds. Established historians and archeologists are unknowingly acting as pawns of the shadow government. The very same shadow government who hides the truth about alien life and intervention on earth. Simply put, this is a crime against the public. One which goes unpunished and which is only made worse by the fact that these magnificent pieces of art go unstudied and are being damaged by mining operations in the area. Until we confront what the lines really are, ancient alien artwork and maps, we will come no closer to the truth of alien impact on earth.

Lavrentios Kokinos
Ph.D. Archaeology
Classical Civilizations Expert
Former Team Lead, ORIKOS Project
Board Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Update Subject 3 Escapes


Our insider, Mr. X, has confirmed that Subjects 3 and 5 have escaped and dissappeared. They were last seen on ONI submersible video footage departing the Tongue of the Ocean in a recently recovered USO. Mr. X stated that the "Grey Boy" taskforce lost contact with Subjects 3 & 5 around the Cook Islands.

Mr. X not been able to access the full operational reports, but preliminary data suggests Subjects 3 & 5 accessed a yet unknown weapon system on the USO. Initial reports suggests the weapon was some type of ultra advanced plasma cannon. Early reports state the plasma cannon was used to cause a massive avalanche deep inside Hikurangi Trench. An avalanche of deflagerted rock quickly encased the lead elements of "Grey Boy" USO taskforce.

The molten rock brought the taksforce to a halt and enabled Subjects 3 & 5 to escape. Here it should be noted that Subject 5 is extremely dangerous. Mr. X states that government forces are on high alert and are monitoring all submersible traffic as well as all planetary and extraplanetary traffic.

What Subjects 3 & 5 will do now remains unclear. Perhaps they will go back to their studies that were abruptly halted in the 1940s. However, one thing is clear, these two fugitives must be brought back into custody. Should any new information emerge we will be sure to update you.

Sarah Newhouse
Ph.D. Anatomy and Physiology
EBE and Cryptid Expert
Former Lead Physiologist ICRA
Board Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Subject 3 Alive and Missing

Subject 3

Subject 3 famous, or infamous, for his participation in Operation Cornucopia has escaped along with former operational leader Subject 5. In ONI custody since 1944, Subject 5 and Subject 3, escaped while helping to recover a USO outside AUTEC headquarters on Andros Island.

Subjects 3 and 5 were last seen on ONI submersible video footage entering a USO recently uncovered in a cave near the bottom of the Tongue of the Ocean . Shorly after Subjects 3 and 5 entered the USO, it powered up. An ONI insider, Mr. X, confirmed this was all according to plan, and that "limiters" were placed inside Subject 3 and 5 to prevent them from leaving the 10 mile operational area.


The "limiters" either failed or were disabled, because shortly after powering up the USO quickly departed the operational area. It was last thought to be heading toward the Kermadec Trench and a possible EBE base outside Pago Pago. Mr. X confirmed that the ONI has currently dispatched a task force of "Grey Boy" hunter killer USOs ordered to "eliminate Subjects 3 and 5 with extreme prejudice".

Little else is known at this time but Mr. X assured us the order to terminate Subjects 3 and 5 came down from the highest levels of the shadow government. We should have more details later in the week. Be sure to check back then.

Sarah Newhouse
Ph.D. Anatomy and Physiology
EBE and Cryptid Expert
Former Lead Physiologist ICRA
Board Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Spacecraft Spotted on Moon

Mystery Moon Object

Signs of a lunar civilization have finally been revealed to the world by no one less than Google. The image above shows irrefutable evidence of an advanced lunar civilization. Captured on Google Moon the object bears a strinking resemblence to the black triangular or wedge shaped UFOs widely sighted throughout the world since the late 1980s.

Notice the rows of white lights that are set in a perfect 90 degree pattern. This is something simply does not occur in nature. This is clear evidence of something designed and operated by intelligent beings. The object itself is estimated to be 125 by 90 meters in size. This makes it larger than any currently known spacecraft produced on earth.

What the object is doing on the Moon remains a mystery. This correspondent would hazard a guess that it is either landing or taking off from a secret base located somewhere in the crater below the craft. The object can be found at 22042'38.46N and 142034'44.52E. Officially nothing like this has ever been seen on the Moon. John Lear may not have been so far off the mark afterall.

Details are emerging daily, but one thing is for certain, this is not man made. It is unlike anything seen on Earth and it is far too similar to the triangular shaped UFOs to be a coincidence.

George McCallister
Ph.D. Economics
Black Budget Expert
Former DARPA Finance Director
Founder, The Alpha Draconis Project

Kepler Sabotaged by Aliens?

Kepler height =

New evidence points to alien involvement in the inoperability of the Nasa's Kepler Telescope

Nasa's multimillion dollar planet hunting telescope, Kepler, has apparently been rendered inoperable by alien forces. Kepler's two reaction wheels, (the system used to accurately point the telescope), were damaged beyond repair by repeated alien intervention and use of plasma based weaponry.

Nasa officials are adamantly denying this, however, our confidential inside source Mr. X confirms plasma scorching covers the spacecraft. Mr. X stated Nasa received a warning stating that future endeavors to repair or replace the telescope with equipment of similar kind would be met with the same result. Nasa officials could not be reached to verify or deny this claim.

This begs the question was Kepler on the verge of capturing undeniable proof of intelligent alien life? If so how close were they? All signs seemingly point to yes. Kepler captured the public imagination with its discoveries of multiple "earth like" planets (135) beyond our solar system. Nasa claims to have troves of data to still sort through. Perhaps some proof may still be found of intelligent alien life. Whether or not this information ever makes it to the public remains to be seen. This reporter is not hopeful.

Kepler's future as a planet hunting telescope looks dim, but Nasa is seeking the public's help on how to best repurpose this telescope. This alien attack rather than disheartening the public should be our rallying cry to demand the truth, full public disclosure of the ongoing alien menace.

Chia-Ming Lin
Ph.D. Mecahnical Engineering
Materials Engineering Expert
Former Dir Materials Engineering LINTMA Corp
Board Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Project Rasputin

Lake Creature

New Discovery!!!

Recently obtained documents now link the Okoboji Lake Creature to Project Rasputin. Newly released U.S. Fish and Wildlife documents mention the ties between the little known Project Rasputin and the lake creature often sighted in Lake Okoboji.

The newly discovered documents, which were not classified, make mention of Lake Okoboji and a joint project between two other organizations, likely the CIA and Majestic 12. The report makes mention of an operation known only as Rasputin.

While the USFW document does not detail the specifics of the operation or organizations involved it does make mention of it andconfirm once and for all that this murky project did indeed exist. The only real details providedLacking by the document is that Project Rasputin was in operation up until 2001. After this date no further time references are given.

Interesting similarities exist between the date of 2001 and the last major sighting of the creature which also happened to happen in 2001. While details remain murky it can be safely assumed Rasputin was an attempt at creating alien animal hybrids which would be a natural precursor to creating alien human hybrids.

Sarah Newhouse
Ph.D. Anatomy and Physiology
EBE and Cryptid Expert
Board Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Bram Stoker an ONI Operative? Modern Vampirism and the BEK Misinformation Campaign

Bram Stoker

Recently evidence has emerged which definitively links famed Irish novelist Bram Stoker to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) . Specifically, documents have emerged that suggest Stoker, and his now famous novel, Dracula were part of special ONI project referred to as "Operation Stygian" This campaign was operated by the ONI to recreate the mythology of vampirism to cover-up increased visitations and sightings of Black Eyed Kids, (BEKs), in England and the United States starting in the last decade of the 19th century.

Recreation of classified document analyzed by TADP

All modern characteristics of vampires described by Stoker and consequently repeated in later novels, radio and television programs, and movies helped spread the myth that Vampires and now BEKs were creatures that had aversions to light, garlic, Holy objects. These beings could also seemingly appear and disappear at random. This major operation was done to discredit the increasing number of local newspaper reports which emered starting in 1890 from both England and the United States where witnesses reported being visited by groups of children who called at odd hours, had black eyes, and who asked anddemanded to be allowed entrance into homes.

These same newspaper stories all confirm that those who were visited had little memory of the event other than having had a strong aversion to the children and a general feeling of loathing and dread which increased with the length of the encounter with the BEKs. In two cases witnesses reported that the BEKs cast no reflection in mirrors and became enraged at the sight of religious objects and artwork. Currently we at The Alpha Draconus Project postulate this results from the fact that this is because BEKs are alien human hybrids, and as such, have no souls. All witnesses reported that they did not let the children in, but that they were tormented by nightmares for weeks following their encounters. All newspaper reports also confirm that victims of the visitations seem to have lost track time and generally became confused during their encounters. Most witnesses stated it was like they were almost hypnotised to the point of allowing the children entry into their homes.

While many details remain murky it appears Stoker took part in the program with the American ONI in order to mislead English investigators about an upsurge of BEK sightings in and around the London area. This can be traced to Stoker's strong sense of Irish nationalism and hope that home rule would emerge in his time.

What the BEKs were doing in London cannot be definitively ascertained at this time, however, it might have been strategic reconnaissance operation to observe and report on scientific and medical advancements that were taking place in England at that time.

Steven Flannery
Ph. D. English Literature (Late 19th century Irish Literature)
M.S. Neurobiology
Former DIA Program Lead
Member Emeritus, The Alpha Draconis Project

NEW EVIDENCE: "The Mad Gasser of Mattoon" Linked to Operation Cornucopia

Responsible for a series of incidents in 1930s and 1940s, the Mad Gasser of Mattoon has been linked to numerous gas attacks which rendered it's' victims dazed, incapacitated, and momentarily paralyzed. Most victims have gone undocumented and many remain missing. EBE Scientists have long had convincing anecdotal evidence and confidential sources that confirmed the Mad Gasser's identity as an E.B.E. linked to an obscure black ops project under the ONI . The true identity of the Mad Gasser has been successfully white washed from the public record through a highly successful disinformation campaign.

Breaking Evidence

With the recent declassification of several new documents from the Office of Naval Intelligence, prevailing opinion now unequivocally links The Mad Gasser of Mattoon, more commonly known as "Subject 3". to the little documented Operation Cornucopia, which is believed to have been funded by the ONI during WWI and WWII.

Assumed to have been accidentally declassified during a routine document dump in 2010, the interdepartmental memo above was discovered among 3,417 innocuous and otherwise irrelevant documents. Documenting an incident believed to have taken place near Germantown, MD in August of 1935.

Operation Cornucopia:

There are now definitive links between the Mad Gasser of Mattoon and a secret government operation known as "Cornucopia". Starting in early 1911 observers from the Office of Naval Intelligence began investigating reports of strange disappearances of residents from rural Maryland.

There were several reports of people going missing for time periods between 48 and 72 hours. Initially these were presumed to be simple missing person's cases. However, upon further investigation it was determined that these were not simple missing persons cases. Where there were witnesses to the disappearances, witnesses reported sighting strange objects in the skies in or around the areas in where the persons disappeared.

ONI investigators determined that in all cases UFOs and their operators were responsible for the disappearances of the individuals. In every case where the abducted persons were returned, they appeared to have little memory of the events leading up to their disappearance. However, all confirmed that their last memory prior to their disappearance was of a strange smell. Beyond this they remembered nothing until their return home.

Missing person reports died down until the 1930s, however, they reappeared in earnest around the same rural area of Maryland starting in 1930. In many of cases something appeared to have gone wrong. While a few abductions did occur, however, most attempts failed. Upon investigating and interviewing both abductees and those who almost fell victim to the Gasser, all confirmed smelling something strange prior to blacking out. ONI investigators later determined that in all cases a highly modified variation of weaponized halon (CBrF3) gas was introduced into the homes of the abductees and attempted abductees. Approximately 30 years later, a non-weaponized version, halon 1301 , was introduced to the general public as a fire suppressant. In the failed abduction cases the victims reported having their windows open which mitigated the effects of the gas.

Upon confirming that all failed attempts at abduction resulted from people having their windows open, the ONI investigators laid a trap to see if they could capture the person or persons responsible. The investigators hypothesized that the assailant or assailants might try again at the failed abductions locations. The ONI placed investigators at each of these homes. Surprisingly the ONI plan worked and they were able to capture one of the assailants. Initially the assailent appeared as a short man in a dark trench coat and fedora. ONI investigators quickly discovered the assailant was not quite human. ONI investigators took the captured assailant to an undisclosed location in Virginia, later determined to be Langley, for interrogation.

It was determined that this non-human entity, later classified as an E.B.E. was from Tau Ceti . It confessed that it was one member of a team of scientists who had come to Earth in the beginning of the 1900s because of then recent advancements in weapons technology. Specifically the team was deployed with the objective of: "Observing and understanding humanity's aggressive and warlike tendencies and to determine if intervention would be necessary should these tendencies combined with advances in weapons technologies endanger the species or the planet."

Subject 3

The E.B.E. identified only as Subject 3 also reported that the abductions in early 1911 and later attempted abductions in the 1930s were the result of an E.B.E. going rogue and ignoring established research protocols to simply observe and study. The project leader, Subject 5, began abducting human's to more intricately study our neurophysiology.

Following the interrogation by ONI officials Subject 3 was moved to a secured housing location and used to in a later project to capture the operational leader Subject 5 in September of 1944, near Chicago, IL.

Sarah Newhouse
Ph.D. Anatomy and Physiology
EBE and Cryptid Expert
Board Member, The Alpha Draconis Project

Lunar Lies and the Airforces Mysterious Space Plane


What do the Moon and the Airforce's X-37B space plane have in common? More than you could possibly imagine. This craft has been launched on three secret missions where it has supposedly orbited the earth for 3-6 month periods. It most recently was launched on December 11, 2012. The few details that have emerged suggest it carries an unknown payload and enters into geosynchronous orbit with the Earth. This, however, is a lie.

The plane does indeed enter orbit aboard an Atlas 5 rocket and it does indeed carry a payload. As for orbiting the Earth this is patently false. Instead the plane uses the Earth's gravitational field in conjunction with an ion based propulsion system to power itself towards the Moon.

Upon entering Lunar orbit the plane fires a laser at a series of retro reflectors dropped on the dark side of the Moon by previous NASA missions. This laser triggers a runway to emerge from the lunar surface allowing the plane to land and taxi into a secret hangar attached to a lunar base jointly operated by the Russia, the United States, and the Lunar civilization.

What this X-37B delivers to the Moon is unknown it could simply be supplies and scientific equipment. However, it is more likely carrying the new argon based high energy weapons developed at S4 to upgrade the ageing defense systems of the Lunar civilization in order to protect both them and the Earth from asteroids and other objects that could wipe out both our civilizations.

Roger Wright
Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering
USO and UFO Expert
Former Regan Era Star Wars Program Analyst
Co-Founder, The Alpha Draconis Project

Day 1

We're back folks. After 7 months of operation they finally shutdown the old TADP message boards. Thank you for your dedication. Information transmissions forthcoming.

George McCallister & the faculty of The Alpha Draconis Project
